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How to use quick properties palette in AutoCAD

a)Open AutoCAD application from desktop shortcut menu.
b)Select new document icon from quick access toolbar and open “ansi-a” template.
c)Now click on model layout tab.
d)Click on “LINE” command from draw panel.
e)Now move the cursor to 4 units in X axis and 2 units in Y axis and pick the line stating point.
f)Now move the cursor 2 units horzontally rights side and pick another point of the line.
g)Like wise above steps move the cursor or cross hair to required points shown bellow image and pick the points to get the required shape.
h)Finally enter “C” to close the line.
i)And draw circle by using Circle command.

j)Now drag the mouse over the circle after pressing left mouse button below the circle and end the dragging after closing the circle.



After changing center X value. See the image.

Now change center Y value. See the image.

After pressing key form KEY BOARD the circle deselected and quick properties window also disappears.




Now save the drawing by pressing save icon from quick access tools.


Draw a line using polar co-ordinate system in AutoCAD

1. Open AutoCAD software from desktop short cut or from start menu.   2. Now type "LINE" and press ENTER KEY. Then enter 0,0 as first point of the line.   3. Then type 5<30 as second point of the line. This "<" symbol is used for the line point moves to 30 degrees from positive x-axis. 4.  Now again type 2.45<270 as next point of the line. 5. After generating the line press <Esc> key from key board to exit from line command. The lines shown like below image. BACK to Day-1 Lessions CLICK HERE to get CAD HOME Work help or project help (paid)

Procedure to add a new plotter in AutoCAD

1. a)Open AutoCAD application from desktop shortcut icon or start menu. b)Click on “Open icon” and select “db_file” file from database files then click on “Open” button to open the document. 2.Type “PLOTTERMANAGER” and press ENTER KEY. 3.Double click on “Add A-Plotter Wizard” to view “Add plotter” dialog box. Click on “Next” button in “Add Plotter – Introduction Page” dialog box. 4.Select “My Computer” radio button then press Next button. 5.Select “Hewlett-Packard” from Manufactures list and select “Draftpro (7570A)” from list of models. Then click on “Next” button. 6.We can import printer by clicking on “Import File” button or click next to see the default printers. 7.Click on “Plot to File” radio button and then Click on “Next” button. 8.Accept the default name “Draftpro (7570A)” then click on Finish button. 9.We can change the plotter configuration by clicking on “Edit Plotter configuration” button. 10.Type “PLOT” and press ENTER KEY to view the “Plot” dialog box. We can...

How to draw a line using cartesian coordinate system on graph paper?

The Cartesian coordinate system in two dimensions (also called a rectangular coordinate system) is defined by an ordered pair of perpendicular lines (axes), a single unit of length for both axes and an orientation for each axis. The lines are commonly referred to as the x- and y-axes where the x-axis is horizontal and the y-axis is vertical. The point where the axes meet is taken as the origin for both, thus turning each axis into a number line. For a given point P, a line is drawn through P perpendicular to the x-axis to meet it at X and a second line is drawn through P perpendicular to the y-axis to meet it at Y. The coordinates of P are then X and Y interpreted as numbers x and y on the corresponding number lines. The coordinates are written as an ordered pair (x,y). BACK to Day-1 Lessions CLICK HERE to get CAD HOME Work help or project help (paid)

How to start AutoCAD software in windows operating system?

1. Click on window button located near left bottom corner then click on AutoDesk or AutoCAD folder then select "AutoCAD" to open the software. or Type "AutoCAD" in the search box located near bottom left corner of the desktop then right click on the displayed application the select "Run as administrator" option. 2. Then AutoCAD application opened look like bellow image. (it will take time depending upon the system configuration). 3. Basic user interface of the AutoCAD application. BACK to Day-1 Lessions CLICK HERE to get CAD HOME Work help or project help (paid)

CAD softwares Home work help

Hi! friends! Welcome to my blog! Here we are providing help for create the objects using CAD (Computer Aided Design) Software's like AutoCAD, SolidWorks, Pro-E, Catia and AutoDesk Inventor. Service's provide:- - Generate Front view, Top view, Side view form given 3D object drawing or isometric drawing. - Generate isometric view from given orthographic projections. - Convert 2D drawings or line diagrams to 3D objects or 3D renderings. - Generate Projection views form old drawings. - Generate lateral surfaces from objects. - Provide solid models to use in Analysis software's. - Provide .stl files for 3D printing purpose. CLICK HERE TO GET PAID HELP   Learn AutoCAD in 30 days free!

How to use perpendicular object snap in AutoCAD

1. a)Open AutoCAD application from desktop shortcut icon or start menu. b)Open previously saved document. 2.Turn OFF all the tools from status bar by clicking the icons individually. 3.Now right click on “Object snap” icon and select “Settings” option from the popup menu. 4.Now click on “Clear All” button, then tick mark on “Object snap On” and “Perpendicular” check boxes and click on “OK” button. 5.Select “Line” command tool from Draw panel. 6.Type “8,6” as starting point of the line and press ENTER KEY. 7.Move the cursor onto the right most line and pick a point after showing Perpendicular snap appears. 8.Press ENTER KEY to exit from Line command. 9.Now again select “Line” command tool from Draw panel. 10.Move the cursor on to the right most inclined line and pick a point after “Perpendicular” snap mark displayed. 11.Move the cursor right ward and pick another point of the line. 12.Press ENTER KEY from key board to exit from line command. 13.Now save the current drawing...

How to create new layers in AutoCAD

1. a) Open AutoCAD application from desktop shortcut menu. b) Click on Layer properties icon from home menu ribbon. 2. After clicking new layer icon, a new layer created with default name “Layer 1” now we can edit this name as “Dim” and press Enter Key from key board. Then the layer created with named as Dim. 3. Again press ENTER KEY to repeat the last command i.e. create a new layer. Then change layer name as “Object”. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12.Save the drawing by clicking on save icon from quick access tool bar. BACK to Day-2 Lessions

Advantages and disadvantages of AutoCAD.

Advantages of AutoCAD: 1. A mid range Software 2. User Friendly 3. Fulfills most of the professional needs of a mechanical engineer 4. Lots of Time saving (but not always) 5. Paperless Environment 6. Ease of Accuracy — e.g.  joining of lines head to head is not possible manually with desired accuracy 7. Easy to edit 8. Ease of Repetition / Addition 9. Reproduction of Drawing is easy, rapid and reliable in terms of dimensional accuracy and precision. 10. 2D and 3D production of drawings is very easy. 11. Zoom Command Facility allows us to see the minute details on larger scale view. 12. A facility of Modeling and making Parts library is available. 13. Parent – Child relationship allows multiple editing in single command, means if one part is edited all other linked parts are auto edited 14. Layers option allows us to hide or show some specific details of a complex assembly drawing for clear understanding. 15. There is no limitation of a Drawing size. You can draw a...

Exploring the AutoCAD user interface

When working with any application we must need to know the User interface for getting speed up the work with all tools in the application. 1. Open AutoCAD application from desktop short cut or start menu. 2. Now click on the big “A” icon locatated near top left corner of the application interface. 3. Now using mouse select the each option from the list displayed. 4. Click on Home menu to view the Home menu ribbon. 5. Click on drop down arrow near Draw panel to view the total draw tools. See the below image with expanded draw tools. 6. Now click on the drop down arrow near Circle to view circle sub options list. 7. Now select 3-Point Circle. 8. Now press “Esc” key from key board to exit from circle command. 9. Then see the circle icon again, it looks like 3 point circle icon setted as default. See the bellow image. 10. Right click on home ribbon to view pop up menu and move the cursor on to “Show panels” and turn off the “Draw” option. Now observe draw panel is di...

How to reduce boundary gaps in AutoCAD

1. a) Open AutoCAD application from desktop shortcut icon or start menu. b) Click on “Open icon” and select “CH10_EXERCISE1” file then click on “Open” button to open the document. 2. Type “HATCH” in command window and press ENTER KEY. After pressing ENTER KEY AutoCAD displays Hatch creation ribbon the select “ANSI31” hatch pattern type. 3. Now pick a point inside the open boundary like shown below. Then AutoCAD displays Boundary Definition Error, now click on “Close” button. 4. Now change “.25” as Gap tolerance from options panel. After changing Gap tolerance value now again pick the previously picked point to hatch, now AutoCAD displays “Open boundary Warning”, then click on Continue to hatching this area. 5. Select the boundary like show below and press ENTER KEY. 6. Save the file by using quick save icon from quick access tool bar.